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Almond Automation is codeless web functional testing tool based on selenium grid.
It is free and open source. It provides UI to create testcase and run those testcases on selenium grid.
You can then view status and screenshot of each step of testcase.
Take a quick look below

Almond Automation provides following feature
  1. UI to create and run testcase.
  2. You can manage multiple projects from single UI.
  3. You can run testcase on any environment. 
  4. Create TestSuite to group identical testcases.
  5. Support for modular testcase. No need to change many testcases because of change in one field etc. You can also pass runtime values while running testcase.
  6. Verify execution of testcase easily in UI. View screenshot of each step of testcase.
  7. It is created keeping maintenance of testcase at most priority.
  8. QA and Dev both can create testcase easily. Dev can run complete testsuite on his/her machine before pushing build to QA environment.
  9. Support for macros to run same testcase with different values.
Most of the time and effort spent in automation is in maintaining testcases and not in creating testcase. I have given more priority in maintenance of testcases. Testcase creation may take more time but it helps in avoiding future work.
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How To Create Selenium Grid
Create And Run First TestCase
Almond Automation Selector
Almond Automation Commands
Almond Automation Best Practices & Guidelines
