This page describe instructions to create and run your first test case on Almond Automation.
To demonstrate i am using examples project in tomcat project.
For demonstration I am assuming that you have installed Almond Automation locally and it is available at http://localhost:8080/automation.
To demonstrate i am using examples project in tomcat project.
For demonstration I am assuming that you have installed Almond Automation locally and it is available at http://localhost:8080/automation.
Update Grid Url
Whether you are using existing selenium grid or created new selenium grid you need to update url of selenium grid in Almond Automation.
Go to http://localhost:8080/automation.
You will see following screen.
Click on Settings button.
Update grid url in textbox and click on Save Settings button.
If you have created local selenium grid using default configuration then most probably your selenium grid url is like http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
Please double check your selenium grid url and make sure that selenium grid is up and running.
Create Project
Everything in Almond Automation is created under Project.
This screen will show list of existing projects.
Click on Create Project button and it will open popup.
Enter project name and click on "Save Project" button.
Enter project name and click on "Save Project" button.
Create Environment
Click on "Environment" tab and you can see following screen.
A single project can have multiple environments like qa, integration, uat etc.
Developer can also create environment like local which can run testcase on his local machine.
For every environment you can create many variables which will be used when you run testcase on environment.
One of the basic variable value you need for every environment is base url.
E.g. for qa environment base url maybe like, for localhost environment it maybe like http://localhost/yourapplication.
Create TestCase
Click on "TestCase" button and you will see following screen
Select Project and enter testcase name.
To add steps to testcase, click on "Add New Command" and it it will add new row.
Select open command(it open new url) and value as ${baseurl}(name of the variable you have selected while creating environment).
In my test page i have link pointing to #servlets.
After opening page i need to wait for some time before try to click on link.
Add new command and select waitForElementAndClick and enter css=a[href='servlets'] as element.
This command will check for presence of element and if found then click on element.
Now we want to verify some text on next screen.
Add new command and select untilVerifyTextPresent and select element as css=body.
Enter Servlet Examples with Code as value. Click on Save TestCase button.
This testcase will open link, wait for element, click on element and verify text on html page.
The url depends on selected environment.
Baseurl in testcase will be substituted with real value when you execute your testcase.
Execute TestCase
After successful creation of testcase, close TestCase popup.
Refresh page and select Project and you will see your newly created testcase.
Select TestCase(you can select multiple testcases for execution) and click on Schedule TestCase button.
You will see following popup.
Select environment and click on Schedule TestCase.
It will schedule your testcase for execution and print schedule id.
View Status
Click on Status tab.
Select Project and Environment at left dropdown.
When you select project and environment then it will populate list of scheduleid at left dropdown. Select scheduleid at right dropdown.
You will see status of your testcases.
Click on TestCase row to expand and see details about every step.
Click on Steps tab to view status and screenshot of every step.
Click on Steps tab to view status and screenshot of every step.
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